Tag Archives: be positive

For You

The Street and People

I stand by the sidewalk and stare at the faces,

Tired, battered, jaded going through the paces.

Wondering what’s the chaos about the street,

Jumbled queries and my mind meet.

What’s so shiny to make things positive,

What’s special for all as a great derivative?

What’s it that all don’t see and make doldrums,

It’s for them but they just don’t fathom?

A tipping point makes noises and I hear,

Breaking blocks of doubts and fear.

An inner voice makes an emblem for me,

Showing the way that’s there and we can’t see.

“The sun shines for you and lets you see,

The rain falls for you and makes you free.

The dew shines for you and not the grass blade,

The waves dance around for you and not the sand.

The power cuts to light up the candle romance,

TV’s breaking with news just for a smiling glance.

There is evil around to make your good value precious,

Those in need of help make you feel gracious.

Elderly are irate to help you prep your encore,

Kids are making noise to show how you were before.

There are jams of human and motor to cast a puzzle,

Practice the art of finding way in labyrinth of trouble.

In whichever form life paints the picture,

It’s for you to adhere to the happy scripture.”

Numbness creeps over the thoughts as I write,

It’s so simple and difficult to beat the pessimist might.

As I walk the streets and life I’ll remember,

Positivity is the key and light of holy ember.

Use pilgrimage, penance, or meditate for the true,

Don’t forget love and see the beauty made just for you.


Filed under Human Nature, Humanity, Philosophy